Tag Archives: Idaho business coach

by in Perspective

Temerity, Tenacity and Tact – A change in perspective

Tenacity is the quality of being determined. Temerity is excessive confidence or boldness, which can be both seen as a positive or a negative thing depending on context.  Tact is adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.  Temerity, tenacity, and tact.  It is possible to possess and demonstrate all three! Recently, […]

by in Tips

Living into Our Values – Dare To Lead

I’ve been spending time with the concept of conscious leadership.  I’ve recently revisited Brene Brown’s Dare To Lead book.  She defines a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.  To do this one needs to be aware, present and committed. […]

by in Request

Assessments, Schmessments?

Ok, I’m certified to work with a couple of well-known assessments. Both of which are psychology-based.  And, I have to admit, I still have a healthy skepticism of them. Don’t get me wrong, the content and the associated ‘awareness’ they create are great!  Where I scratch my head is the application of the insights. In […]

by in Perspective

My Seven Days in Silence – Day Three

The Chopra Center offers an annual retreat at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. It’s called Silent Awakenings. It’s literally adjacent to Pebble Beach, for some context.  We spend seven days in silence. No phone, no TV, no online YouTube cat videos, no social media, and no talking! It’s a complete digital detox. I’ll […]

by in Perspective

My Seven Days in Silence – Day Two

The Chopra Center offers an annual retreat at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. It’s called Silent Awakenings.  It’s literally adjacent to Pebble Beach, for some context.  We spend seven days in silence. No phone, no TV, no online YouTube cat videos, no social media, and no talking! It’s a complete digital detox. I’ll be […]

by in Perspective

My Seven Days in Silence – Day One

My idea of a ‘perfect’ vacation is a beautiful setting complete with yoga, meditation, yummy food and the opportunity to learn and grow.  The Chopra Center offers an annual retreat at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. It’s called Silent Awakenings  It’s literally adjacent to Pebble Beach, for some context.  We spend seven days […]

by in Tips

My Seven Days in Silence – A Series

My idea of a ‘perfect’ vacation is a beautiful setting complete with yoga, meditation, yummy food and the opportunity to learn and grow.  The Chopra Center offers an annual retreat at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA. It’s called Silent Awakenings. It’s literally adjacent to Pebble Beach, for some context.  We spend seven days […]

by in Industry News

Got Grit? Part I: A perspective on passion.

I’m reading the book Grit by Angela Duckworth.  I find this topic interesting.  What does grit mean to you? Before reading the book, the notion of grit conjured words like resilience, gravitas and tenacity.  According to Angela Duckworth, these are all correct and it turns out that grit is more than just stick-to-it-ness. This week, […]

by in Industry News

What Mom-isms did you learn?

This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. I feel so very lucky to have my Mom still with me on this planet and I’ve learned so many things from her over the years.  There were lessons on what to do and what not to do. Today, I’ll share a couple of my favorite Mom-isms. Mom-ism #1: […]

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