All posts by: BusinessFirst

by in Industry News

Focus Pocus

Career insights from a former Googler In sports, have you noticed when you take your eye off the ball, you likely miss it?  The same can happen with your career or any life goal, for that matter.  When we lose focus, things either get missed or begin to decline.  It’s most noticeable with our health. […]

by in Industry News

AIM much?

Personal development learnings from a former Googler Fire, Ready, Aim!  How many of you heard this saying in your business from colleagues?  The intention behind moving fast in business is usually good; time to market, increase revenue, outpace competitors’ innovations, bolster the company mission, etc.  Plus, it’s exciting to work on new concepts!  Willow, my […]

by in Industry News

I’ve Got Career Itchy Feet!

Some insights on making a career change from a former Googler I’m Italian and Irish.  I share that because my family background has contributed many fun, quirky sayings that often make their way into my daily life and my approach to coaching. Case in point, ‘itchy feet’.  My italian Grandmother, Erma, was a force.  She […]

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